
Visuelle Digitale Kulturen


AdBK München

Netz Wissen Bildung

2 Wege: a) Lehre im Netz abbilden b) sehen, wie das Netz Lehre und Wissen verändert

  • a) Abbildung
  • b) Aufbau
  • Fragen:
  • 1. was ist?
  • was ist ein Kurs?
  • was heisst etwas lernen, ein Projekt durchführen?
  • welche Aktivitäten wollen wir durchführen?
  • welche Formen der Zusammenarbeit bestehen?
  • welche sozialen Netzwerke bestehen?
  • wie sind sie organisiert?
  • was wollen wir im Netz abbilden?
    • Was entsteht?
    • neue wissensformen: wikipedia
    • neue organsationsformen: barcamp, unconference
    • kollaborative projekte
    • kollaboratives wissen, universitätsübergreifend


    • Links an Stelle von Bedeutung
    • Ãœberladen von Links: u.a soziale Netzwerke
    • Zeit? Veränderung?
    • Wert von Wissen: Delicious-Experten

      weitere Lektüre:

      Henry Jenkins: Media Education for the 21st Century (White Paper)
      Yochai Benkler: Wealth of Networks
      Nicholas Carr: Facebookipedia

      Ausschnitte aus Jenkins White Paper:

      The Participation Gap — the unequal access to the opportunities, experiences, skills, and knowledge that will prepare youth for full participation in the world of tomorrow.
      The Transparency Problem — The challenges young people face in learning to see clearly the ways that media shape perceptions of the world.
      The Ethics Challenge — The breakdown of traditional forms of professional training and socialization that might prepare young people for their increasingly public roles as media makers and community participants.

      Participatory Culture
      For the moment, let’s define participatory culture as one:
      1.With relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement
      2.With strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations with others
      3.With some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices
      4.Where members believe that their contributions matter
      5.Where members feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created).

      Rather than dealing with each technology in isolation, we would do better to take an ecological approach, thinking about the interrelationship among all of these different communication technologies, the cultural communities that grow up around them, and the activities they support.
      Media systems consist of communication technologies and the social, cultural, legal, political, and economic institutions, practices, and protocols that shape and surround them